Stop Watching TV
It would appear that this section doesn’t quite fit. It’s out of place. Or is it?
Many people rely on TV to fill their spare time, and use it to add color to their lives. Although a movie that lifts your spirit, teaches you about life, motivates you or empowers you, can certainly provide lot’s value, what we’re talking about is watching the news, watching TV directly from the networks (with commercials), watching game shows, and in general, watching programs for hours. You can use those hours much more efficiently, in ways that will benefit your career, your relationships, your happiness, your life.
The media, especially the news, is full of stories that will add nothing to your well-being, but drag you into negative states of mind. Consuming the news is a surefire way to decrease our sense of happiness, our positive outlook of our surroundings and our mood. So cutting out the news if your first priority. If you want to know what’s going on in the world, find some internet news outlet that looks at the positive in news stories and spend a limited amount of time on them.
How to do it
“What? Stop watching TV? Oh, but I can’t do THAT!”
Yes, you can. These will be short instructions – the strategy is simple: just stop watching TV. At first this may seem like a difficult thing to do, but after a couple days you’ll realize that it’s not so hard at all, and that you can spend all that time you just spent vegging in front of the screen with things that nurture you, things that help you grow, things that will eventually turn you into a happier person. You’ll find that you have more energy, more time, you’ll be in a better state of mind, one that helps you on your path forward.